Water Baptism Testimony
The church I was attending, where I got baptized in the Holy Spirit, is where I also got baptized in water. I think I got baptized in the Holy Spirit before I got baptized in water; there is no set order for these amazing things to happen.
I simply signed up for the water baptism, showed up, and was dunked under and raised up by some of the pastors there.
While I was thinking maybe, something miraculous would happen in me when I did this… I honestly didn’t feel much. I was super happy and excited, don’t get me wrong, but everyone’s experiences in their journey and process with God are different, and this was my experience.
BUT Just because I didn’t “feel” anything doesn’t mean nothing happened. One of the coolest things that happens when you give your heart to Jesus and are now born of the spirit instead of the flesh is that you no longer have to live by what your flesh feels. I know without a doubt that my life was transformed when I got baptized in water and that something miraculous happened in my life because the word of God tells me so.
Jesus himself was baptized in water, and He was sinless, so if Jesus did it, I recommend doing it.
You may not have a church you are attending and don’t know where to go to do this. A pastor does NOT have to be the one to baptize you. You can do it in a bathtub or any body of water. If you know a fellow Christian, ask them if they would be willing to baptize you in water. The wonderful person who handed out the good news project card may be willing to baptize you. See if their information is on the card, or maybe they gave it to you separately. Or you could call around and see if any of your local churches are doing baptisms anytime soon. They may require you to be a member. I wouldn’t commit to being a member somewhere just to get baptized. Jesus doesn’t require anything like that. It doesn’t have to be fancy or proper in any way. This is an experience where you are living out the scripture below of Romans 6:3-4 where you are going underwater and coming up a new person! It is something to be lived out from the heart in the moment.
Romas 6:3-4
Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried, therefore, with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.
Check out this Holy Spirit Baptism Testimony as well.