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Holy Spirit firey sky

Baptism in the Holy Spirit Testimony

As you read this, remember that God is Supernatural, and the Bible is full of testimonies of the Supernatural. Being a follower of Christ gives you access to live a supernatural life in Him!


As I mentioned in the Salvation section, my life didn't look much different on the outside after I accepted Jesus. It wasn't until I moved to the West side of Washington that things started to really change in my life. I had a friend who lived in Tacoma, and she introduced me to her office manager. He and I started dating, and he took me to his church. This was a "spirit" filled church. I had never heard of such a thing. But as I had felt in that little church by my old house, I once again felt here. It took all my strength not to break down crying. During worship, I would try and think about anything other than God, such as lunch, ice cream, or our plans for later that day. I did not want to break down crying in front of people. I was a tough cookie; I didn't cry at church.


In one of the services, they invited people into a prayer room if they were interested in getting baptized in the Holy Spirit. My boyfriend asked me if I was interested and I was so we went. As they started to teach us about what being Baptized in the Holy Spirit was, I clammed up. I thought, oh my gosh, this Spirit is going to take control of me and make me do who knows what! This was not part of the teaching and is entirely untrue, but that is what went through my mind. So, I was not open to receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit that day. One of the girls came over and asked if she could pray for me, and I said yes. As I sat there, she started to pray for me, and I couldn't hold back the waterworks any longer; I broke. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever experienced. I can't explain it, but it was just so powerful to have someone pray for me as she did.


I was shaken after that day and wanted to live my life better for God. I told my boyfriend that I didn't want to sleep together anymore and looked for ways to live a better life for God. I was trying to do all the right things, but the reality is that I still needed more of a change in my heart. It's good to live a life according to the Bible, but I will tell you it is difficult to do things outside of an active relationship with God, one where we pursue Him from a desire to know Him and in knowing Him the things that have held us back or ensalved us become less and less appealing.


That boyfriend and I broke up sometime later, and my journey for my own church began. I looked up a couple of churches close to where I lived and went to one. They were friendly, and I felt welcomed, but I didn't feel this was it. I saw a service on the TV from a local church, and I went and checked it out. I walked in and went down the aisle to find a seat as worship had just started, and I knew this was the place! I felt God's presence. It was amazingly beautiful, and my heart was lost in Him. I started going there regularly, and it wasn't long until they gave the invitation to go to the prayer room to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I couldn't accept the invitation fast enough!


There were probably 20+ of us in there. They were explaining things to us and praying for us to receive, but again I just couldn't do it as I knew I was going to lose it, and I didn't want to lose it in front of these people. A very discerning lady, led by God, came over and asked if I wanted to go into a corner with her. I said yes! We went over there, and I faced her, away from the crowd, and she just softly told me to receive… I started to cry, and I was so moved by the Holy Spirit, and just like that, I received the baptism, and I began to speak in other tongues, well one tongue, it increases as you pray more and more. She then jokingly asked me if I had ever heard of waterproof mascara as I had it streamed down my face. We laughed; it was perfect. She said she had never seen someone receive it like this and was very moved and asked for my contact info. She later reached out to me with a card sharing how beautiful it was and how honored she was to have been a part of it.


This is when my life really changed. I became so hungry for God! It was easy and a joy to give up the things I had been engaged in before that were causing me harm rather than bringing life to me. I'm not saying your life can't radically change without this baptism, but it is the next best gift to salvation, and I would never want to live without it after now having it.


Everyone's experience is different, and it is nothing to be scared of. You are being endued with power when you get baptized in the Holy Spirit, and the tongues part is a gift that is a new language. It's not weird if you speak a second language like French or Italian if your native language is English, right? This is just like that, but it's a supernatural language! The Bible says you become a citizen of Heaven when you become a believer, and Heaven has a language.


Here is some guidance on how you can go about getting Baptized in the Holy Spirit. There is no right way or formula that you have to follow. Feel free to veer off what I have written and say whatever comes to your heart when you seek God for this baptism. After you have prayed, if you feel words or a sound coming up from inside you that don't make sense to the natural mind, just let them come out. It's almost like a baby learning a new language where you may not have anything more than a sound at first.


I recommend going into your room or finding a quiet place. Centering your heart on how much God loves you and how he gives the gift of the baptism of the Holy Spirit freely to his children. Also, know that Holy Spirit already lives inside you as you were given the Holy Spirit when you invited Jesus into your heart.


You could say: Jesus, I love you and desire to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Will you release this baptism to me now, Lord? I fully surrender to you, Holy Spirit.

Now, wait on the Lord in expectation of getting this baptism.  


If you did not feel anything after a while and nothing came forth from the Spirit, I encourage you not to give up; it's simply too beautiful of a gift to forgo. It may help to have a spirit-filled Christian pray with you. If you know one, ask them. Regardless, I encourage you to continue to ask for it; God is faithful.

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